Board considers plan for residential facility in Ward 1
Hey folks! Alicia here. This is the twitter-feed for the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting that took place Monday at 9:30am. This is NOT a live-feed. This twitter coverage is brought to you by #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle
10:20 AM Nov 10, 2021 CST

The preamble is read. There is a call to order. Joe Jones is expected, but not present. Roll is called, one of the 4 board members is missing. Because of this- it is announced that anyone can postpone their case until all 4 members are present.

1st Case: Variances are asked for a vacant home across from Edgewater. Developer wishes to split the single multi- address parcel into two parcels for town homes. City Planning gives their consent. All board members are in favor. Variance granted.

Joe Jones joins the call. 2nd Case called has been moved up queue out of courtesy for him. Case involves turning 17508 Throckley Ave. into a group home for women. This case took up the majority of the 1.5 hour meeting.

After 3 postponements, this case has been brought forward. There was confusion at first about whether a variance was even needed. There is an ordinance in place that prevents clustering of group homes within 1000 feet…

The group home in conflict with the proposed group home is located in Shaker Heights, however, not Cleveland. The board says- variance still needed. Perhaps not legally, but to satisfy intent of ordinance. I…was confused by what that meant.

Discussion takes place. Ms. Starks-Hutton outlines operations- 5 women of her choosing plus a live-in manager. 2 neighbors speak out against proposal. Security and quality-of-life issues are raised. opponents raise questions about signatures gathered in support of proposal.

Opponents: Many of the streets residents are elderly, some over 80. Did they know what they were agreeing to? Joe Jones voices uneasiness about support unless community meeting is called. He suggests delay.

Board says- this case has been delayed 3 times already. Ms. Starks-Hutton has a right to a judgement. The speakers continue to voice conflicting opinions about whether or not neighborhood residents are in favor or against proposal.

It should be noted that Timothy Isaac is one of the people speaking out against the proposal. He had signed the letter (he is the last signature), and wished to be removed. This does seem to speak to the confusion.

During discussion, the legal precedent that allows for group homes in residential neighborhoods is brought up. Precedent is based on the rights of the disabled, who have a legal right to live in a HOME within their community, not an institution.

Precedent extends to “our most vulnerable residents”. Siting this duty- the board grants variance on the condition that the group home be limited to 4 women, not 5.

Case 3: The resident at 3280 W 142nd street involves granting a variance of an already erected 4ft fence. variance granted. The resident, who was apologetic, was rebuked (gently) for erecting the fence before asking permission.

Case 4: The residents at 16504 Dartmouth Ave wish to replace a 6ft fence that had been erectly under a previous variance from 1992. A lovely elderly gentleman gave testimony and made everyone smile, including me. 😁Variance granted.

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