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Live reporting by Michael Grotton
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CDOT is making an acquisition request for all or part of 23 properties associated with the Englewood Nature Trail in the 15th and 16th wards

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Here is some information about the Community Development Commission, including the agenda and livestream for today's meeting:……
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Meeting is called to order at xxxx on Tues. September 10 by Vice Chair Latasha Thomas. Roll call is held and quorum established. There are 2 items on the agenda today.
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First item on the agenda today, CDOT is making an acquisition request for all or part of 23 properties associated with the Englewood Nature Trail in the 15th and 16th wards. Both aldermen support the project. Info on the trail here:……
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A few screenshots from CDOT's presentation to the commission, showing the current condition of the unused rail corridor and the proposed construction. CDOT emphasizes no resident relocations and full property owner compensation for the land which is all currently vacant.
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Project budget breakdown from CDOT's presentation, there is no money coming from the relevant TIF districts. Construction is scheduled to begin Q2 2026 and take ~2 years.
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Alderman Lopez (15th Ward) says he just received a message saying only about 9 out of 300 vacant lots he provided to the ChiBlockBuilder program will be for sale in October which is "completely unacceptable" and asks that this motion be held until he can get clarification.
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Commissioner Boatwright (DPD) says ChiBlockBuilder is a separate program, and those listings that Alderman Lopez referred to are not final. More info on ChiBlockBuilder here:……
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Alderman Lopez says his concerns over the ChiBlockBuilder lots has been resolved after some further discussion with Commissioner Boatright, and he now supports this motion
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There are some fiery public comments, mostly anger over alleged corruption in Englewood generally. The motion is approved.
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The second and final item on the agenda is a request from the DOH to negotiate a redevelopment agreement associated with the Casa Yucatan affordable housing project located in Pilsen (25th Ward).
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Photo of the current site which is currently vacant, and the AMI breakdown of units. The development will have 98 affordable units. The city is providing ~23M TIF funds for the project. Alderman Sigcho-Lopez provided a letter of support.
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There is a discussion about tax-credits, TIF contributions, and grants (ComEd, Chicago Low-Income Housing Trust Fund) that make this project 100% affordable, which is rare.
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Commissioner Curtis votes no, says 600,000 is too much for DOH to spend, but with no other objections, the motion is approved.
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Meeting is adjourned at 2:05 PM, this concludes the September meeting of the Chicago Community Development Commission. The next meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2024. For more meeting coverage, check out:
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Correction: Meeting was called to order at approx. 1:05 PM.