Historical Commission Architectural Committee meeting
Philadelphia Historical Commission
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024
9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. EDT
The Philadelphia Historical Commission and its committees hold public meetings online. At these meetings, they review building permit applications for work to historically designated properties, as well as matters related to historic designation. Interested parties can comment in-person on matters before the Historical Commission. Or, comments may be submitted in writing in advance of the public meeting. Written remarks may be sent to preservation@phila.gov.
The Architectural Committee will hold its August 27, 2024 meeting remotely using the Zoom Webinar platform. The public may participate in the meeting in three ways: live with a computer, tablet, or smartphone; live with a telephone; and in advance by email.
The meeting agenda and application materials for the Architectural Committee meeting are available on the Historical Commission’s Public Meetings page.
To watch the meeting live on Zoom using your computer, tablet, or smartphone, click on the following link on August 27. Website: https://bit.ly/ACaug27 Passcode: 304481
To listen to the meeting live on the telephone, call this number on August 27. Telephone Number: 267-831-0333 Webinar ID: 880 5971 6128# Participant ID: # Passcode: 304481#
To offer written comments prior to the meeting, send an email to preservation@phila.gov by noon on August 26.
After the meeting, you can watch a recording of the meeting on the Recordings page of the Historical Commission’s website.
Check the source website for additional information
Edited and summarized by the Philadelphia - PA Documenters Team
The Historic Commission reviewed five applications and unanimously denied all of them, except one that was partially approved.
Agency Information
Philadelphia Historical Commission
As part of the Department of Planning and Development, the Philadelphia Historical Commission protects the City’s historic resources. Together with its advisory committees, the commission:
- Identifies and designates historic landmarks.
- Maintains the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places.
- Hosts public meetings about historic properties.
- Works with property owners to protect landmarks.
- The commission staff reviews building permit applications and nominations to the register.
When needed, they forward applications to the appropriate committee. The staff:
- Approves over 90% of building permit applications without referral to a committee.
- Informs the public about the commission’s rules and processes.
- Gives advice on preservation techniques.
- Helps the public research the history of their properties.
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