DDOT, Virtual Community Input Meeting

Detroit Department of Transportation


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Tamia Davis

DDOT riders enthusiastic about Jason Hargrove Transit Center. Riders press for lower fares for paratransit as DDOT balances cost with service.

Live reporting by Carole Hawke

DDOT riders enthusiastic about Jason Hargrove Transit Center. Riders press for lower fares for paratransit as DDOT balances cost with service.

Carole Hawke @hawke48223
Hello, Detroit Documenters! I will be live-tweeting for DDOT’s Virtual Community Input Meeting for DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit.

03:58 PM May 16, 2024 CDT

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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit From the website: “The Detroit Department of Transportation Monthly Community Input Meeting is an open forum about DDOT's services, fares, routes, and much more. Your feedback is valuable to help make DDOT a system of choice for everyone.”
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit If you believe anything in these notes is inaccurate, email documenters@outliermedia.org with "Correction Request" subject line.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Notes, twitter threads, and transcripts from previous meetings can be found at
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Meeting is starting a little late, so they put up a poll about who has visited the new Jason Hargrove Transit Center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Michael Staley, interim director at DDOT, also at meeting. Stephanie Davis, govt affairs liaison for DDOT, Steve Patrick scheduling manager, TaNisha Roby asst director of admin, Gabriele Honey safety manager also here. Also Micah Hood (but didn't catch title).
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Going through others present at the meeting. (12 DDOT reps here, introducing with titles, as well as sign language interpreter.)
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Of those attending the meeting, 52% have visited the new transit center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit There will be a presentation at the meeting, followed by public comment limited to 2 minutes per participant.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Tonight's meeting will focus on Jason Hargrove Transit Center. Grand opening was in May.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit The new center is at 1121 West 8 Mile. It is open 24 hours a day and is patrolled by DPD.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Updating a few routes: adding 15/ 20/ 45 minute peak service to several routes. Earlier/ later trips added to 23 and 42 routes. This will be effective June 24.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Recruitment for Local Advisory Committees (LACs). Can email or mail completed applications. This info will be available online.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Out of 73,474 trips, 0 preventable accidents and 4 non-preventable with 1 injury. 98.6% on-time performance for weekdays, 99.3% for Sundays, 99% for Saturdays, total of 98.6% on-time performance.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Wondering what is the time frame for something to be considered an "on-time" performance. Like, within a certain window-?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit 4th commenter is Detroit People's Platform activist and paratransit rider asking for whether there will be reductions in paratransit services due to reduction of usages. DDOT says that this is not true and that they expect to expand paratransit in 4th quarter 2024.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Same commenter asks what is the nature of the complaints which were received. Were they disrespectful drivers? Something else?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT responding that this is less than 0.5% of rides, and that most of the complaints have to do with call center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit When a complaint comes in, it is logged and a response is required from DDOT within 5 days. If there are multiple complaints on a driver, the driver must undergo additional training. In rare instances, people have been removed from service temporarily or permanently.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Same caller says that she is hearing community members complain about language (derogatory?) from drivers. Can this be worked on so that complaints are heard? DDOT rep encourages caller to tell people to call in complaints so that they are heard.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller also organizer with Detroit People's Platform Transit Team and D6 resident. Hopes that enunciators will be used as an ADA tool to help people boarding the buses. Also, door that leads to parking lot in Jason Hargrove center is a little short and could be made better.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Same caller wants maps with clear direction for people to know how to board buses during Grand Prix. Wants to make sure buses are still accessible as the city grows with more events.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller said that Jason Hargrove Center looks great, but hopes Rosa Parks Center will also come up to the same level.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Thanks for naming the center after Jason Hargrove-- usually we name these things for politicians, but this was a man who came to work proudly and served the people. This made her so proud.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Will be needing more buses. Also need reduced fares for returning citizens and others who need it. Need good buses for the 33% of the city which does not have cars and needs the bus system.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller also from Detroit People's Platform. Why can't have the Rosa Parks Center touch the Woodward line? Access is hard between the two.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT was not able to give a good answer as to why Woodward doesn't intersect with Rosa Parks Center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller asking whether DDOT will receive any funding or benefit from Warren Evans' recently announced countywide transit center. Rosa Parks Center has rude staff, poor accessibility and is nowhere near as nice as Hargrove Center. Could some countywide funding help with this?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT responds that it is aware of problems with security, accessibility, and homelessness in the Rosa Parks Center and has partnered with DPD and homeless response team to work on these issues.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller (retroactive fairness on facebook) asking whether it is legal for paratransit riders to pay 50 cents for a ride?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT response is that it has determined to keep paratransit fare the same as fixed route, although it is legally allowed to have the fare for paratransit be twice as high. If there were a 50 cent fare, this would mean a $4-9 million deficit.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Robert Plowski, transit activist. Thanks for DDOT for naming transit center after Hargrove and for taking transit advocates' concerns into consideration when building the new center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Pawlowski (spelling correction) asking why SMART got only 4 bays. It would be better to have more, especially for their rapid routes. DDOT responds that SMART hasn't seemed to have an issue with this and-- not to be territorial-- it's a DDOT facility.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller appreciative of Hargrove Center. However, has problem with paratransit setup. Why are companies paid so much, whereas people who ride paratransit have to pay more than the fixed route of 50 cents?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Also, what can DDOT do when a disciplinary action needs to be taken against a paratransit rider? Paratransit should be taken in-house and drivers held to strict rules.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT explains that paratransit is a hybrid model in which DDOT controls reservations, scheduling, dispatching. If DDOT had to provide all the vehicles, build operating and maintenance facility, the cost would double or triple.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Market share that service providers were allocated in the initial round of contracts was not guaranteed. There was no guarantee that service providers would hold onto the contract. DDOT can increase or decrease market share based on level of service.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT can demand that paratransit drivers are safe, polite, and on time. If this doesn't happen, DDOT can request that service provider retrain and eventually remove drivers from service.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller asking for an audit whether bike racks are functional and an audit of wifi service on buses.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller SMART rider who liked the Hargrove Center but asked about whether there can be real-time arrival and departure displays on the bus stops. Not everyone has a phone who can look up real-time arrivals. Also, what about installation of heaters?
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT responds that has real-time displays in progress for Hargrove Center. Heaters would require a lot of infrastructure over and beyond localized heaters that are already there.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller rode the Woodward bus during the NFL draft. He waited over an hour for the bus to arrive.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller had a question regarding door-to-door paratransit cost. She also has a question about technology which would assist with door opening.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT responds that one of the problems with paratransit is that it is inherently inefficient-- there are very few riders who can be transported on paratransit versus on a bus.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT paratransit is doing 1.5 rides per hour, and this is with curb-to-curb, not door-to-door. There is always a balance between on-time performance and trips per hour.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit This has been the challenge of every bus service in the country since 1997 which had to provide paratransit in compliance with ADA.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next callers have a nonprofit called Corktown Shuttle. Hope to get it going. This will really help with parking problems in Corktown, with last-mile problems, will move people quickly in small vehicles around Corktown. Want to talk to DDOT about this.
Carole Hawke @hawke48223 53/66
@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller supportive of naming of Hargrove Center and giving general ideas, including free fare for veterans.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller is retired bus driver. Drivers' concerns should be integrated into any conversation which will lead to productive solutions. Remember that operators have to use time at the end of the line to use the restroom, stretch, grab something to eat.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Over course of career, the time allotted to drivers for this got shorter. This is something that we should not overlook if we want happy employees and want to reduce rider complaints.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT replying that concerns of drivers are indeed very significant. Hargrove Center has a very nice driver lounge.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Need for restrooms for drivers at the end of the line has still not been met. Have commitment from mayor that there can be public facilities at the end of each route, or that the mayor can weigh in with private businesses to press them to allow drivers to use restrooms.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller wants to know why Southfield bus stops between 10am and 2pm. Riders have to walk over a mile to Evergreen or Greenfield. Also concerned with disrespect toward riders received at the Rosa Parks Center.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT responding that there is very limited ridership on the Southfield bus, making it an unsuccessful route. DDOT hopes to improve east-west routes, making it easier for riders to get to Evergreen or Greenfield.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller asking about contactless payment. The back-and-forth revealed a need for more publicity for app for payment for DDOT rides. State is piloting a Mobility Wallet Challenge.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Next caller shared that she visited the gravesite of Jason Hargrove in the suburbs and was sad to see that he doesn't have a headstone. Knows that this isn't DDOT's responsibility, but wanted to bring it to the attention of DDOT and the public.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT concluding comments. Thankful for all who came out to Hargrove Transit Center opening, including transit advocates. Knows that there are a lot of fixes, but most of them are small. There will be transit advocates on the ground for the next week.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit DDOT giving special thanks to Riki Yamakura who put in so much work on getting the transit center open.
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@DetDocumenters @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit Meeting ended at 6:45. For more information, including transcripts of the meeting, go to


Agency Information

Detroit Department of Transportation

The Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) is the largest public transit provider in Michigan that serves the City of Detroit, surrounding suburbs, and neighboring cities, including Highland Park and Hamtramck. DDOT prides itself on providing reliable, clean, safe, and efficient service.


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