
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
1:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. EDT

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Agenda, meeting materials and access information available at

If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, please join us online: You will be able to view the meeting and submit questions.

• The Civic Design Review Committee meeting will begin at 1:00 PM • Zoom may ask you to add an extension to your web browser before you log in. Webinar ID: 848 2820 6308 Passcode: 001767

If you do not have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, please join us on your landline telephone. You will be able to listen, but not see the presentation. Dial: +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 848 2820 6308 Passcode: 001767

Members of the public have multiple ways to comment on agenda items. When the agenda item that you are interested in is being discussed, you can use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom. If you are joining by phone, you may also use the “raise hand” feature by dialing “*9” during the public comment period.

We will also field questions and comments by email. Questions and comments must be received on or before the conclusion of the Civic Design Review meeting in order to be considered. Please send emails to:

Recordings of the Civic Design Review meetings will be posted on the Planning Commission website.


Edited and summarized by the Philadelphia - PA Documenters Team

Note-taking by T.J. Jourian

CDR members want to see developers do better than meet baseline requirements for affordable housing development near Bartram's Garden. Residents and representatives of the East Point Breeze Neighbors RCO expressed several concerns and suggestions about 1520-30 Washington Ave.

Agency Information

Philadelphia City Planning Commission and Civic Design Review Committee

See Documenters reporting

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) and Civic Design Review (CDR) committee hold public meetings online. At these meetings, they review:

  • Major subdivisions.
  • Zoning bills.
  • Neighborhood and citywide plans.
  • Large projects meeting certain size thresholds.
  • Large projects applying for zoning variances.
  • Applications for removing or adding streets and other rights-of-way.


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